Not just speech therapy:
Stuttering Therapy
for Kids and Adults
Central Florida’s only facility specializing
in Stuttering and Fluency Disorders
“…who is it that makes mouths to speak” – Exodus 4:11
“Mom C-c-c-can I g-g-gg-go outs-sss-side.”
The first few times Jenny* heard it, she thought, “What is that?”
Now, it’s been happening for a few months, and this time, her sweet four-year-old throws his head and really forces the word out, “em>“Mommy, I can’t say it.”
What do you say? How do you help? Do you help?!
So Jenny asked the pediatrician…
The pediatrician said, “Don’t worry; they’ll grow out of it.”
She wanted to believe that months ago. Now she feels dismissed, and her gut says something is wrong.
Would the generalist pediatrician even know what’s wrong?!
Jenny’s worried.
The other kids are beginning to notice and ask questions.
How will this affect his future… friends, school, and self-esteem?
What does he need and how should she help?

Shrinking to Avoid Notice
Christian* is sitting next to the window toward the back of his fifth-grade class, hoping and praying that he doesn’t get called on to read or asked to answer a question.
All the other kids have their hands raised. Christian is staring at the floor.
“What will the other kids think when I can’t get a word out? Will they laugh at me again?”
Years of School-Based Interventions
Christian has been seeing the school speech therapist since kindergarten with no change.
Sherry*, Christian’s Mom, begins to think, “Can we be doing more? Is there a better option out there? Who do I call?”
Trusting her gut, Sherry did her own Googling. She has found that what Christian is experiencing is more complex than something that “easy speech” techniques can address. It’s a disorder that needs to be treated by someone with specific knowledge and experience.
Professional Opportunities
Brian* loves his job. He has been there for a while and wants to move up. Now there’s an opening.
He’ll be given the opportunity to run his own team. But… he’ll have to “run” the meeting.
“How can I run a meeting when I stutter on my own name? What happens when I get stuck on a conference call with Corporate?”
Daily Struggles
During lunch, as Brian walks into the coffee shop, he’s worried about ‘the look’ he will get yet again from the barista when he stutters through his order.
“Am I always going to have to deal with this? More than ever, my stuttering is managing my life, holding me back.”

Orlando Stuttering Center
…it’s what you’ve been searching for.

Hi, I’m Tom.
Initially, I know finding help for yourself or your child is a bit overwhelming – no need to sit and worry any longer. Let’s walk through this therapy process together.
I founded Orlando Stuttering Center so that no matter whom I work with, whether it be a child or adult, treatment is focused not just on the disorder but the individual.
We will build confidence in your ability to handle, feel comfortable, and communicate freely in any situation.
Experience in this treatment area is overwhelmingly important. Because I see more people who stutter in an afternoon than most therapists will see in 2-3 years, I am best equipped to help.
Let’s work to manage and overcome not just stuttering but the fears and worries that come along with it.